Monday 19 August 2013

What will happen when you report an assault to the police

What will happen when you report an assault to the police

You do not have to go to the police. It is entirely your choice. But here are some good reasons why you should:

  • ·         You WILL be believed. No matter what happens, if the charges are denied, or even if there is no material evidence to support you, the police will listen to you and will believe you.
  • ·         You will be protected. If you are at all concerned about the attacker harming you further, tell the police and they will ensure you are protected.
  • ·         You may prevent further attacks. Even if the charges do not end up being taken further (this often happens due to lack of definitive evidence), the charges will remain on the attacker’s record and you will have made an important point to him – ‘I am not going to keep quiet and let you do this. What you did was wrong, I know that and I’m telling.’
  • ·        Everything is confidential. If you do not want family members or friends to know, you can ask to not be contacted at home, or on certain phone lines. The police will not contact you in any way that you are not comfortable with.
  • ·         Most assaults are not reported – this is a widely reported statistic, which means that most attackers probably think they can get away with it. You will be a part of trying to change this statistic, and the attitudes of potential attackers.

If you do go to the police, here is a rough idea of what will happen. The best way to contact the police is to call 101, or to find the number of your local police station. You can even just go to your local station and ask to speak to a female officer. Some of the process is unpleasant and uncomfortable, but remember that at any point you can ask to stop and take a break and you do not have to do or say anything that you do not wish to. For most of the process you can have a friend or family member present for support if you wish.
  • ·         You will give an initial statement. This may be to a Specially Trained Officer (STO) if there is one available, or may be to another police officer. If you do not want to give the statement to any police officer for any reason (for example, if you would like to speak to a female officer), make this clear. They will understand completely.
  • ·        Before doing anything further you should be assigned an STO. The STO will then take a more detailed statement from you and ask you a lot of questions – some of which may seem pointless, but it all goes towards creating a clear picture of what happened. You will be asked things such as what happened before the incident, details of the incident itself, the location where the incident happened, what you were wearing etc. Remember that you can take this as slowly as you like. You will also be asked who else knows about the incident and the police may wish to take a statement from these people as well. If you do not want any of these people to be contacted, just let the STO know.  
  • ·         You will be asked to undertake a forensic medical examination as soon as possible to collect evidence. This is not at all pleasant, but will provide very valuable evidence if you do go through with it. You do NOT have to undergo the examination, but it will give you a much stronger case if you do. You will probably be taken to a crisis centre nearby, and you should be given a choice of having a male or female doctor perform the examination – if you are not, make your thoughts known and feel free to refuse the examination until your preferred doctor is present. It can take a while to find a doctor who is available, and you may feel pressured to just take the first doctor that comes along. But remember that this is your body and your choice, and you do not have to do anything that you do not feel 100% comfortable with. During the examination, the doctor will inspect your body for bruises, cuts or other marks that were a result of the assault (if there aren’t any, just say so and you should be able to skip this part). The doctor will then take swabs from your cervix, and from the opening of your vagina. You can ask to stop the examination at any time. There should be facilities available for you to take a shower after the examination.
  • ·         You will also have to give a video statement. This is not as scary as it sounds! You will go into a room with your STO, which is equipped with cameras (you will be shown where the cameras are and what they will be recording) and the STO will ask you to tell her what happened. She may also ask some other questions to gain a clearer picture of the incident. Again, you can stop at any point.
  • ·         Your attacker should have been found fairly quickly. He will have been arrested and taken in for questioning. The statement he gives will also form part of the case’s evidence. The attacker is NOT allowed to contact you, or your friends or family.

All the evidence will be compiled and sent to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). They will review the evidence and make a decision on whether the case will go to court. This can take a while, sometimes a few months, but you will be kept informed of the case’s progress throughout the whole process. You should be offered further support, through an Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA). It is the ISVA’s job to remain impartial and simply offer you advice and help in relation to the police and CPS procedures. An ISVA can be a useful contact if you have any questions at all about what’s happening. At this stage of the process, it is not recommended that you have counselling, as if the case does end up going to court it can be seen that you have been ‘led’ to say certain things. However, if you really feel that you need to talk to someone you should still seek counselling. Your ISVA or STO can help put you in contact with someone who you can talk to.

Unfortunately, a very high percentage of cases do not get taken to court. This is mostly due to lack of evidence regarding consent – he says you consented, you say you didn’t, there’s no way to prove either way. But even if this happens, remember that the police DO believe you and even those who make a decision at the CPS have made no judgement as to whether you were telling the truth or not – they have simply looked at the evidence and decided what can be definitively proven. At this point you can definitely seek counselling, and it is recommended that you do. Even if you feel ok, these things can creep up on you when you least expect it. 

The most important thing to remember throughout the process is that this is YOUR choice and you should not feel pressured to do anything you are not comfortable with. The police will not do anything that you ask them not to. Although this can be a scary, daunting and often uncomfortable process, rest assured that you are doing the right thing and you are sending an important message to your attacker and to other victims. 

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